Hisense sponsorship with UEFA. The football games in Germany summer 2024

Hisense is the second biggest brand in TVs, white goods and other electronic products in the world right after Samsung. The overall strategy from Hisense HQ have for years been to participate in as many world class sports event as possible. Being main sponsor for sports events like UEFA and FIFA was one of them.

Third time in a row Hisense became main sponsor at the UEFA football games in Germany in 2024.

The fact was, that under the last FIFA games in Quatar 2022, Hisense sponsorship gave 0,1 % awareness for the brand in the Nordic Countries because the Hisense Brand as such was totally unknown. Knowbody connected the name they saw under the games on TV with anything familiar.

Doing as usual would just end up in the same Brand awareness disaster for Hisense Nordic once again, and Hisense HQ would gain nothing from their sponsorship. We had to create another approach.

Above The Line Communication – DOOH (Digital Out Of Home)

Because only 1 % of the population in the Nordic knew anything about the Hisense Brand. We had to build awareness at the end users and prepare a customer journey towards the Hisense Brand (on all platforms) to let the end user know the values of the brand. 

First step in the strategy was to tell about the Hisense television qualifications and about all the awards, that Hisense have won over the years. (Reed all about that under Digital Hisense). Second step was to connect Hisense with UEFA and all the hype there was around the games in Germany.

We went big to be seen everywhere. On digital screens in all shopping malls in Denmark, Norway and Sweden plus selected premium outdoor billboard sights in the three capitals.

Owner: Hisense Nordic
Brand Manager: Dennis Rafn
Marketing Manager: Julie Stein
Marketing Strategy: Dennis Rafn and Rasmus Harnung
Art Director: Stewart Sørensen
Video / 3D / Digital Compositor: Christian Bechmann

(Adaption with master material from Hisense HQ.)

VIDAA – The OS System on a Hisense Television

One month before the UEFA games started we began to promote the sponsorship plus we promoted a large competition to create awareness on our own platform – VIDAA OS.

For six whole weeks we each week gave away TVs, marchandise, free tickets for the game in Germany and other household electronics. 

We also promoted our own account on Instagram together with a joint venture with PL Showet – Three Danish guys who have a very popular podcast about Premier League football. Many of the players in Premier League also played for the national teams during UEFA.

VIDAA Hero Banners
Owner: Hisense Nordic
Brand Manager: Dennis Rafh
Marketing Strategy: Dennis Rafn and Rasmus Harnung
Idea and Copy: Rasmus Harnung
Art Director: Rasmus Harnung

Digital SoMe / Instagram – Organic and paid growth

Hisense Nordic did not own either a Facebook or an Instagram account before march 2024. Within a two month period – during the UEFA cup – we managed to grow our followers on Instagram to 10.700 people.

We developed a three string strategy to do this task.

First we had to fill the feed with content so there was any post at all, when people were going to visit us. (See also Digital Hisense).

Secondly we needed to promote Hisense and create trafik both into our account on Instagram but mostly towards our website, which was the center of our competition. We did that by create a huge competition with premium prices. Six weeks in a row with the ability to winn several times in this period.

Thirdly we developed a “Triangle” – a joint venture between Hisense Nordic, POWER (Reseller) and PL Showet (a football podcast). More of this further down. 

Static Posts
Owner: Hisense Nordic
Brand Manager: Dennis Rafh
Marketing Strategy: Dennis Rafn and Rasmus Harnung
Idea and Copy: Rasmus Harnung
Art Director: Rasmus Harnung

Digital SoMe / Instagram – The Triangle

How did we manage to grow our Instagram account to 10.700 in only seven weeks?

With a collaboration between influencers, ambassadors and resellers – three equal partners to utilise our EURO sponsorship. We managed to find a win win win corporation model.

Simply by sharing relevant posts on each others feed and get the followers to follow each other.

Hisense: They were the price/gift sponsor. they had the contacts in Germany and could get premium tickets and special interviews.

POWER: One of the two major resellers in the Nordic Countries. Seller of Hisense Televisions and MDA.

PL Showet: A podcast show about football, where three specialists comment on the English Premier League. Under the UEFA Games they sent live on YouTube and their Podcast. Hisense facilitated their stay at “Fan Zones”, interviews with celebrities, original Hisense merchandising and lots of free tickets as prizes to their listeners during their visit at the games. 

Static and Video Posts
Owner: Hisense Nordic
Brand Manager: Dennis Rafh
Strategy, idea and concept: Dennis Rafn 
Art Director and Copy: Rasmus Harnung
Video / 3D / Digital Compositor: Christian Bechmann

The below posts was distributed on the PL Show own account on Instagram and shared on Hisense Nordics account afterwards.
(A lot of posts from their shows and interaction with the public at the UEFA games were also shared at our account. These posts is however not shown here since I / Harnung Inc. did not create that content).

Outro for PL Showet. Used as the end logo/outro after their live broadcast from the UEFA Games in Germany.

The Triangle in raw numbers

The following tables shows how the work in the Triangle was able to grow each participants Instagram account with followers significant.

Display Banners and YouTube Pre-Rolls

This was our awareness driver with focus on both awareness and conversion optimization.

We expanded our audience reach by driving engagement with high-impact display banners and YouTube Pre-Rolls.

To promote the Hisense Brand, the UEFA sponsorship and the UEFA/Hisense competition the following videos was med as YouTube Pre-Rolls and Display Banners.

Only the YouTube Pre-Rolls are shown here. The display banners are practically all just different sizes/variants of this original video add.

Display Banners and Pre-Rolls
Owner: Hisense Nordic
Brand Manager: Dennis Rafn
Marketing Strategy: Dennis Rafn and Rasmus Harnung
Art Director: Stewart Sørensen
Video / 3D / Digital Compositor: Christian Bechmann

Adaption with master material from Hisense HQ.

Adaption with master material from Hisense HQ.

Marketing and promotion material at the resellers

Lots of images and great stuff will follow.